Entries by AnotherCloset (36)


Last chance to participate in the NSW LGBTIQ DV Survey 

We have collected almost 500 responses to the LGBTIQ domestic and family violence survey to date and it will remain live until the end of June. A huge thank you to all the people who have spent a considerable amount of time and thought into giving us their opinions and experiences. The information gathered will help DV support services across NSW to better understand the needs of LGBTIQ people and families. We hope to have the findings ready by the end of 2012. The draw for the $100 voucher will take place on June 30 and the winner will be informed by email.

To access the survey go to:




Updated special collection on same sex domestic and family violence

The ADFVC (Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse) have updated their special collection of resources, literature and research on same-sex domestic and family violence.  The collection includes materials on service response, perpetrators and victims, narratives, academic research and online resources.

To access the collection go to:



Women with physical disabilities sought for groundbreaking DV research project

Volunteers Needed
Would you like to be part of a research project?
Do you have a physical disability and are over the age of 18 years?
Have you been in an ‘abusive’ or ‘hurtful’ relationship?
(which can include physical, emotional, sexual, or with-holding of medication or mobility aids) by a boyfriend/partner, husband, sibling, carer, parent, service provider etc in the last five years
If you answered YES to these questions, then please read on.
We are seeking a number of women with physical disabilities (over the age of 18 years) to assist us in conducting a research study about your experiences with violent or hurtful relationships and what kind of help you received (if any).

The research is being conducted by postgraduate student Karen Jordan (who is a woman with a physical disability) from the
University of Sydney and will inform social work practice and education about better ways to support this group of women.

You can register your interest through:

Calling Karen Jordan on 02 9351 4712; or emailing kjor0898@uni.sydney.edu.au and leave your name and contact details with a safe time to call or email back. Karen will contact you to explain in more detail about the study and to see if you would like to participate.

Fairy Bread Day & Exhibition 21-31 March 2012

Children Exploring the Family Unit through Art!

Fairy Bread Day is a unique community exhibition and family fun day exploring diverse family units through the eyes of our children.

Exhibition Dates: 21 - 31 March 2012

Family Fun Day: Sunday 25 March 12pm - 3pm

Venue: Pine Street Creative Arts Centre 64 Pine Street, Chippendale NSW

The whole family is invited to join us for a family fun day on Sunday 25 March! Face painting, balloon making,  a magic show, a youth choir and a community barbeque will be some of the free fun events your family can enjoy. You can also pose for a digital rainbow family portrait.

A City of Sydney 2012 Living in Harmony festival event.

For more info visit: http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/pinestreet/


Mardi Gras Fair Day - 12/02/2012

The LGBTIQ Domestic Violence Interagency will have a stall at Mardi Gras Fair Day on Sunday 12 Febuary 2012.

Fair Day is an annual LGBTIQ event held at Victoria Park in Sydney.

Put the date in your diary and come along and say hi!

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