Entries by AnotherCloset (36)


LGBTIQ women included in report to UN Special Rapporteur on Violence 

Following the April study tour of the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, a report has been produced by the Australian Human Rights Commission which explicitly recognises women of diverse sex, sexuality and gender.

The report states:

• One in three women of diverse sex, sexuality and/or gender experience domestic and family violence, a similar rate to women in the wider population. Further research is required to ascertain the prevalence and nature of violence experienced within this group.

• Anecdotally, it is known that these populations are significantly less likely to report, seek support or identify experiences of domestic violence or other types of violence and abuse.

• Women of diverse sex, sexuality and/or gender have specific needs in relation to domestic/family violence support. Yet, there are significant gaps in service provision for these women who are victims/survivors of violence, leaving many women without support.

>there is a lack of culturally appropriate service providers.

>In NSW, it was reported that women of diverse sex, sexuality and/or gender have experienced homophobia and transphobia from mainstream service providers;

>access to services can be restricted when both the victim and perpetrator are trying to access the same service and the services are consequently ‘conflicted out’;

>particular challenges are faced in accessing services in rural areas because services are even more limited in rural areas and some women may not be out to their local community; and

>there is no 24/7 specialist domestic/family violence phone support service operating anywhere in Australia for women of diverse sex, sexuality and/or gender.

• The gendered model of domestic and family violence translates to an invisibility of victims/survivors and
perpetrators of diverse sex, sexuality and/or gender. At federal, state and territory levels, domestic and family violence among women of diverse sex, sexuality and/or gender needs to be explicitly recognised, included and prioritised as a vulnerable non-homogenous group with varying needs.

The full report can be downloaded from the Human Rights Commission website.



LGBTIQ domestic/family violence survey closed

Most Of Our Communities' Relationships Are Based On Love And Respect. Some are based on Abuse And Control

The online survey was developed to gain a better picture of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer (LGBTIQ) experiences of, and attitudes towards, intimate partner abuse.

It will give us a better understanding of how we can improve support services for the LGBTIQ community, and how we can educate mainstream services to respond more appropriately to LGBTIQ people experiencing abuse.

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in our survey, generously sharing experiences and opinions on LGBTIQ domestic and family violence in NSW.

We received 570 fully completed surveys and have gathered what we believe to be the largest body of data on LGBTIQ domestic and family violence in Australia.

The next step is the analysis of results. We are aiming to release the findings in early 2013.

If you have any questions about the survey and its findings,

Contact: Moo Baulch
Phone: 9206 2095 / 1800 063 1300
Email: mbaulch@acon.org.au


LGBTI Mindout Symposium Oct 10

This one day symposium will focus on the essential elements of effective and safe mental health promotion and suicide prevention for LGBTI people.

While most lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people live happy and fulfilling lives, the over-representation of LGBTI people in the depression and anxiety, self-harm and suicide statistics is a matter requiring a concerted, multi-faceted and collaborative response. This symposium will be informed by the key determinants that have been shown to have a detrimental impact on LGBTI peoples mental health and are precipitators of psychological distress and suicidality.

Based on their experience and professional insights, symposium presenters will speak on what they see as the key opportunities and challenges for effective mental health and suicide prevention programmes and services for LGBTI people as well as specific considerations for particular populations; older persons, transgender and intersex.

The symposium is open to anyone who has an interest in promoting the health and well-being of LGBTI people.

Standing Strong, Living Long is an activity of the MindOUT! Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Project – a project funded under the National Suicide Prevention Program

Date:   Wednesday 10 OCTOBER 2012

Time: 9.15am - 4.30pm (Registration from 8.30am)

Venue:   McDonald Room, Sancta Sophia College

8 Missenden Road, Camperdown, Sydney

Cost: $40* (GST Incl.)

Registration is essential as places are limited
Registration closes: Wednesday 3 October 2012

Click here to register now!


Mindout: LGBTI mental health project

The first national project of its kind, MindOUT! is funded by the Commonwealth Government to work with LGBTI organisations and mainstream mental health organisations to improve mental health and suicide prevention outcomes for LGBTI people and populations. Phase 1 of the project involved a series of online surveys of LGBTI people, LGBTI organisations and mainstream organisations about LGBTI related mental health and suicide prevention issues. In addition, a paper titled 'LGBTI People Mental Health and Suicide' was written by Gabi Rosenstreich.

Phase Two which began in September 2011 and is funded until September 2013, has two main areas of focus:

  • Assisting LGBTI organisations to be more responsive to suicide prevention and mental health issues for LGBTI persons and communities
  • Working with mainstream mental health and suicide prevention organisations to assist them to be more responsive to the needs of LGBTI persons and communities

MindOut! contains within it the following projects and initiatives:

  • LGBTI Inclusivity Guidelines for mainstream mental health and suicide prevention organisations.
  • Practice Wisdom resource for clinicians working with LGBTI people.
  • Piloting a LGBTI champions programme in mental health and suicide prevention services
  • Advocacy and policy submissions on mental health and suicide prevention initiatives
  • Training for mainstream service clinicians on LGBTI inclusiveness and LGBTI related mental health & suicidality.
  • Mental Health Promotion Framework for LGBTI populations
  • Facilitating a forum for discussion, information sharing and research on LGBTI suicide prevention and mental health through a LGBTI mental health / suicide prevention network.
  • Training programme for LGBTI organisations on mental health and suicide prevention

For more information about Mindout go to



Training: Working with mental health issues in the context of violence

27- 28 September 2012, Eastlakes

This 2 day course examines the symptoms that often accompany major mental health disorders. 

Current treatments, best practice including the use of medications, side effects & the constraints medication may have on a client’s capacity to engage in the counselling process are explored. 

Participants are encouraged to develop effective strategies for working with clients seriously affected by mental health issues & the implications this may have on sexual assault, child protection & domestic violence services is covered.

For inquiries contact ECAV on (02) 9840 3737  or email ecav@wsahs.nsw.gov.au