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Tales from the Other Side: stories of survival

ACON’s Anti-Violence Project is looking for people who have experienced domestic or family violence (DFV) in a LGBTI relationship who would like to share their story or experiences on film.

We are developing an important and unique video resource and training tool on DFV focussing on LGBTI personal stories and experiences.

ACON’s Anti-Violence Project supports people who have experienced homophobic, transphobic, domestic and family violence. We also work to create and maintain safer GLBT communities in NSW ACON's Anti-Violence Project

Domestic and family violence in LGBTI relationships can be hidden or misunderstood. We recognise that most LGBTI relationships are based on love and respect, however we also know that some relationships are based on power and control. This can involve emotional, psychological, financial, social as well as physical abuse and violence http://www.anothercloset.com.au/

This video will be used to train domestic and family violence agencies and workers in NSW, as well as to increase awareness of DFV for the LGBTI community.  The video stories will also be available on YouTube and on the ACON website.

The video will help to:

-          increase awareness and understanding of LGBTI DFV for DFV agencies and workers

-          assist agencies meet the needs for LGBTI people experiencing DFV

-          highlight LGBTI people’s experiences of seeking support

-          increase awareness and understanding of DFV for the LGBTI community

We hope to represent a diversity of the LGBTI community, participants and their experiences in this video. Therefore a selection process will be used to help us reflect this diversity.  Furthermore, and diversity is important to us, we will also pay for people to travel from rural, regional and remote areas to participate in this project.

We also hope to use and stories or experiences which are not used in the video in other ways. For instance people’s stories can be included in an update of the ‘Tales from Another Closet’ print resource/publication (used statewide in training). Download the PDF here.

Expenses will be paid and we will be working through a process that gives people the highest possible level of ethical protection, including confidentiality.

The counselling team here at ACON will also offer support to those participating in the project throughout the whole process. Whilst this may not be needed or used by some, it is important for us that everyone is aware that support options will be available throughout the whole process if required http://www.acon.org.au/mental-health/Counselling/Access

For more information about this project please contact Moo Baulch:

Community Health Promotion Officer / LGBTI Domestic and Family Violence /Anti-Violence Project
9206 2095

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