Safe from the Start training - Train the Trainer

The Safe from the Start project, developed and conducted by Dr Angela Spinney (UTAS) for The Salvation Army, investigating the effects of family violence on young children, aged 0-6 years, and how the negative impact of such experiences can be reduced.
As a result of the study, the Safe from the Start kit of therapeutic resources has been developed for use by child protection staff, Polytechnic teachers, counsellors, children’s workers and parents with young children who have experienced family violence or trauma, including recommendations on methods of best practice when working with children from these circumstances.
The Train the Trainer program will enable key staff to conduct SFTS training sessions in their own services and covers:
o Background information for the research study
o The study findings and the Resource Kit
o Therapeutic use of Safe from the Start Kit in working with children who have witnessed violence
This 1-day TRAIN THE TRAINER program costs $150 per person and is conducted by Dr Angela Spinney (Swinburne University-Vic) which includes training manuals and resources.
To download a copy of the registration form and for more details click here.
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