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2011 Conference

*Registration opens Monday 18 July, stay tuned for further details then!*





The National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) Domestic Violence Conference is a unique platform which focuses on domestic violence in LGBTIQ relationships (both across Australia and including international perspectives).

This year the conference will focus on the themes/impacts of social and cultural inclusion and diversity for LGBTIQ people and their families who are (or have ever) experienced domestic violence. Our aim is to influence systemic change by working towards an inclusive national model of practice for working with people of diverse sex, sexuality and gender.

The conference will explore the diversity of LGBTIQ communities and experiences, succesful domestic violence prevention programs and initiatives and current service delivery barriers and gaps for people of diverse sex, sexuality and/or gender. The conference will also provide oppurtunuties to build on past achievments, network and share ideas. It is anticpated that as a reault, conference attendees will become better equipped to meet the specific needs of LGBTIQ communities and individuals affected by domestic violence and family violence.

The conference is being organised by the NSW LGBTIQ Domestic Violence Interagency Working Group. This group includes representatives from government and community organisations working to prevent domestic violence in LGBTIQ communites and/or providing services to affected indiviudals and/or their families.

For more information:

Contact: Moo Baulch, Same Sex Domestic Violence Officer, Lesbian and Gay Anti Violence Project, ACON.

Email: ssdv@acon.org.au

Phone: (02) 9206 2095

Registration Fees: Full $60 Students $30

Important Dates:

Deadline for submission of abstracts 10th June 2011

Notification of acceptance of abstracts 26 June 2011

Conference, Rex Centre, Kings Cross - 16 September 2011

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